Our sessions

How It Works


Experienced mentor artist lead several 12 to 16 week-long intensive project sessions per year in a variety of arts disciplines and mediums.

During the intensive youth work with experienced mentor artists to produce original artwork and learn new skills. During the sessions, participants meet two times a week to dialogue, create, and share a meal. Sessions Include: artistic skill building with an emphasis on social practice; discussion and learning rooted in principles of anti-racism and social justice; individual and collaborative creative work; and opportunities to give and receive feedback.

In exchange for their creative work, youth receive community service credit and stipends that incentivize participation while helping to pay court fines and other expenses. Family members are engaged in the projects in various ways, including participation in hands-on activities.

At the end of each session, youth lead and produce community-based events and actions where they share their creativity, vision, and new abilities.

Gatherings and special projects facilitated by the Youth Leadership Board, offer a way for participants to stay involved with the program, access continued learning opportunities, and build leadership skills.


Creative Justice is a youth-led. CJ does not simply center the needs of youth, but, more importantly, follows their lead in decision making, program development, policy decision, and project selection.


Leadership Gatherings co-hosted by Creative Justice team members, Youth Leadership Board members and special guests, are held regularly with opportunities for current and past participants, their families, and their communities to engage with the program through special projects.
